Gaia, a few days ago, you turned two.
I am looking at you and I cannot believe how fast time went by once more. You are such a strong willed little thing! You are a child of a few words but you always know how to make yourself understood.
This is a great gift.

You know what you want and how you want it. And you are hardheaded. You may be the youngest child but you have a World of your own. You know when you want to join your sister in a game and when you want to play on your own. You are fun. So much fun! You know how to put up a show and there are time, I have a hard time believing such a young body can hold so much humour!
You are a kind soul. You care so much: about people around you, animals, and even your dolls! And you are sweet too. Always up for a cuddle and a kiss - and you give the best hugs in the World! It makes people you love melt.
You are such a free spirit! You hate being held and restrained - in a seat, in a chair, in a carrier. It has to be on your own terms. You are happiest in the garden, in the water, around animals.
You are wild. You know, the kind of fun, crazy wild! You, sometimes, remind me of a fun version of a Nacho Libre. Running all around making weird sounds, rolling around, your tongue always sticking out, a big laugh out of your chest!
You are so easy to be around. You love all food, you sleep easily, you are mostly happy, actually. But oh boy, when you disagree, the whole World knows about it! You put guns instead of your eyes, take this high pitch angry voice and scream: ArrĂȘte! (Stop) Veux pas! (Don't want) Mine!
You are fierce, my love. And even if some days, we feel powerless in front of your willingness, I know it is important we never crush this or let anyone reduce it. Because you will need it in this World: to protect yourself, others and make great things.
You know, the day of your birth is a special day in many ways. You were born on the first anniversary of Yolanda, this terrible typhoon that hit your beautiful country so hard. On our first birthday, typhoon Ruby hit the Philippines as well. On your second birthday, America voted for a president that might change the face of the World.
But you, my love, you and your sister are our light.
And the love you have for one another is beautiful. And special.
The way you are looking for each other's hand when sleeping is priceless.
Nothing can change the fact that November 8 is a beautiful day. It was the day we got to meet you and be complete. It was the day your healing light started shining. You and your sister are our Hope.
And every single decision we are taking in our lives is for you girls. So you can live in a beautiful World, full of love, hope, happiness and people helping each other and caring for one another.
Because you inspire us to be better every day. Because you push us to have bigger dreams, higher hopes. Because we cannot stop thinking the World is a beautiful place as this is the World we brought you in and will leave you in.

You know what you want and how you want it. And you are hardheaded. You may be the youngest child but you have a World of your own. You know when you want to join your sister in a game and when you want to play on your own. You are fun. So much fun! You know how to put up a show and there are time, I have a hard time believing such a young body can hold so much humour!
You are a kind soul. You care so much: about people around you, animals, and even your dolls! And you are sweet too. Always up for a cuddle and a kiss - and you give the best hugs in the World! It makes people you love melt.
You are such a free spirit! You hate being held and restrained - in a seat, in a chair, in a carrier. It has to be on your own terms. You are happiest in the garden, in the water, around animals.
You are wild. You know, the kind of fun, crazy wild! You, sometimes, remind me of a fun version of a Nacho Libre. Running all around making weird sounds, rolling around, your tongue always sticking out, a big laugh out of your chest!
You are so easy to be around. You love all food, you sleep easily, you are mostly happy, actually. But oh boy, when you disagree, the whole World knows about it! You put guns instead of your eyes, take this high pitch angry voice and scream: ArrĂȘte! (Stop) Veux pas! (Don't want) Mine!
You are fierce, my love. And even if some days, we feel powerless in front of your willingness, I know it is important we never crush this or let anyone reduce it. Because you will need it in this World: to protect yourself, others and make great things.
You know, the day of your birth is a special day in many ways. You were born on the first anniversary of Yolanda, this terrible typhoon that hit your beautiful country so hard. On our first birthday, typhoon Ruby hit the Philippines as well. On your second birthday, America voted for a president that might change the face of the World.
But you, my love, you and your sister are our light.
And the love you have for one another is beautiful. And special.
The way you are looking for each other's hand when sleeping is priceless.
Nothing can change the fact that November 8 is a beautiful day. It was the day we got to meet you and be complete. It was the day your healing light started shining. You and your sister are our Hope.
And every single decision we are taking in our lives is for you girls. So you can live in a beautiful World, full of love, hope, happiness and people helping each other and caring for one another.
Because you inspire us to be better every day. Because you push us to have bigger dreams, higher hopes. Because we cannot stop thinking the World is a beautiful place as this is the World we brought you in and will leave you in.