October 26, 2012

I do... it my way!

"I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life."  Rita Rudner

2008 and still counting

In a few days, Daddy Yo and I are going to say « I do ».

What an exciting time for two person who never really thought we would get married one day!

I never saw marriage as this "ultimate proof" of Love.
Alia is our proof. More than any words, promises or signatures!
We can’t exchange her or divorce her. We are linked to her and to each other through her forever.

But getting married after Alia was the best way to celebrate our new family, bring our families and friends together in a same place and give Alia and our family more security.

So here we are !

We wanted this event to be anything but a hassle, a stress or something we would do to please others.

So we did it our way.
A disorganized way, last minute preparation, improvisation.
This is us!

My girlfriends told me yesterday I was the coolest bride-to-be ever.
But for me, as long as friends, music, food and drinks are there, it will be an awesome party !
It’s a day we are supposed to enjoy.
It’s not a day to impress your loved ones.
It’s a day where you’re supposed to have fun while seeing all your friends and families partying as one big family.

I believe the more you organize every single detail, the less you’ll get to enjoy. As nothing ever goes as you planned it in the first place.
So I choose the unexpected, the improvisation, the surprise!

The big lines are drawn. Let the rest follow.
We will bring a bit from both our cultures and religions.
This day is supposed to look like us.

We chose not to listen to anyone who will try to push us in a way we did not like.
So screw you, detailed plannings and conventions!

I can’t wait to see my family here.
My parents and my sister came here many times.
A few of my friends and cousins are not Island virgins anymore as they visited us already.

But this will be the first time for my best friend, my little brother/childhood friend, my oncles and ants, my little cousins (who are already taller than me) to come. 
And discover where I live !
This will be the first time for my best friend to meet my daugther.

They know how we are.
We’ll do it our way as we always did !

"We're all a little weird.  And life is a little weird.  And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness - and call it love - true love."  Robert Fulghum, True Love

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